As winter approaches, it’s time to think about stowing away your beloved two-wheeled companion. But don’t just park it in the garage and forget about it until spring – proper maintenance and storage are key to ensuring your motorcycle is ready to hit the road as soon as the snow melts.

DIY Maintenance: Things You Can Do

Before you start prepping your motorcycle for winter storage, there are several tasks you can tackle yourself. These basic steps will help ensure your bike is in tip-top shape come spring:

1. Clean Your Ride: Give your bike a thorough wash and wax. Removing dirt, grime, and salt residue prevents corrosion and keeps your bike looking pristine.

2. Oil Change: Change your oil and oil filter. Fresh oil will help prevent engine corrosion during the cold months.

3. Fuel Stabilizer: Add a fuel stabilizer to your gas tank. This prevents the gas from deteriorating and gumming up the fuel system. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the right amount.

4. Battery Care: If you don’t plan on riding for a few months, it’s a good idea to remove the battery and store it somewhere cool, dry, and safe from freezing temperatures. You can also keep it in the bike if you have a battery tender to maintain its charge.

5. Tire Pressure: Overinflate your tires slightly to prevent flat spots. Don’t forget to put your bike on a center stand or use paddock stands if you have them.

6. Chain Maintenance: Lubricate your chain and ensure it’s properly adjusted.

7. Coolant Check: Make sure your coolant is in good condition, especially if your motorcycle uses water-based coolant. If it’s old, consider flushing and replacing it with fresh coolant.

Professional TLC: Leave it to the Experts

While you can handle many aspects of winterizing your motorcycle, certain tasks are best left to professionals. Consider taking your bike to a technician for the following:

1. Winter Service Inspection: A professional can perform a thorough winter service inspection, checking for any hidden issues that could cause trouble during the winter months.

2. Brake Fluid Check: Brake fluid can absorb moisture, which can lead to corrosion. A technician can check and replace it if necessary.

3. Electrical System: Ensure all electrical components are in good working order. A professional can spot and fix any potential problems.

4. Exhaust System: Inspect the exhaust system for leaks, rust, or damage. Fixing these issues now can save you from headaches in the spring.

Stock Up for Spring: What You Can Do Now

When the weather warms up and the roads clear of snow, you’ll want to get your bike back on the road pronto. Here are a few items you can buy now to have on hand for spring:

1. Oil and Filters: Having these ready will make your first oil change of the season a breeze.

2. Air Filter: Consider replacing the air filter or at least having a spare on hand.

3. Spark Plugs: New spark plugs can improve engine performance.

4. Chain Lube: Make sure you have a fresh can of chain lubricant for a smooth start.

For all your winterization needs, Main Jet Motorsports is here to help. Our full-service department boasts experienced technicians who can ensure your bike is in top shape for winter storage and spring riding. Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional advice and assistance.

In the meantime, check out our selection of maintenance and storage products in store, so you’re ready to hit the road as soon as the snow melts. Fall might be here, but the thrill of spring riding is just around the corner! 🏍️❄️🌷